The Disease Molecular Biology and Epigenetics Laboratory (DMBEL) was founded in 2011. The laboratory’s main interests are the functional characterization of novel non-hotspot mutations in oncogenes and tumor suppressors, as well as the regulatory roles of lncRNAs, microRNAs and circular RNAs in cancer pathogenesis. The laboratory is also part of a nationwide drug discovery consortium, and has more recent interests in X-linked Dystonia Parkinsonism.
The laboratory offers students opportunities to acquire basic and advanced laboratory skills in molecular and cellular biology: from different cloning strategies and site-directed mutagenesis; to human and insect cell culture, cell-based functional assays, and immunocytochemistry; through to flow cytometry, time-lapse microscopy, and high-content imaging. Projects are funded by the DOST/PCHRD, OVCRD and the NIMBB.
The lab is located on the 3rd floor, National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, National Science Complex, University of the Philippines Diliman.