High Content Imaging
IN Cell Analyzer 6000 (GE Healthcare)
Temperature, CO2 and humidity controls
Confocal option
Time-lapse microscope
IX83 (Olympus)
Brightfield, fluorescence (TRITC/FITC/DAPI)
Time-lapse; motorized stage
Temperature, CO2 and humidity controls
Z-stack option
Multimode Readers
FluoSTAR Omega (BMG Labtech)
Absorbance, Fluorescence, Luminescence detection modes
Bottom optics and multi-mode shaking
Built-in reagent injectors available
CLARIOstar (BMG Labtech)
Absorbance, fluorescence, luminescence, polarized fluorescence, time resolved fluorescence and alpha-screen (Amplified Luminescent Proximity Homogeneous Assay) detection modes
Equipped with LVF MonochromatorTM technology (Linear Variable filters) for greater sensitivity of fluorescence and luminescence readings with adjustable bandwidths up to100 nm
Top and bottom optics; Built-in reagent injectors available
Flow Cytometer
Attune NxT Flow Cytometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
Multi-parametric single cell analysis with minimal compensation panels
Rapid processing and detection of multiple samples and of rare events
FSC, SSC, 14 fluorescent colors with PMTs, and user changeable detection methods are available for the following filters: Blue: 488 nm (50 mW), Violet: 405 nm (50 mW), Red:637 nm (100 mW) Yellow: 561 nm (50 mW)
Quantitative PCR
QuantStudio5 (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
Equipped with 96-well thermal blocks with 0.1mL well volume that can accommodate 3 independent temperature zones for PCR optimization (VeriFlex technology)
Runs can be monitored remotely through the Thermo Fisher Cloud
PCR Machines
C1000 Touch Thermal Cycler (Bio-Rad)
Dual block PCR machine capable of running 2 independent protocols simultaneously, with 48 PCR reactions in 0.2mL tubes per block
Equipped with gradient capability to accommodate 6 temperature zones
PCRmax Alpha Cycler 4 (Cole Parmer)
Quad block PCR machine capable of running 4 independent protocols simultaneously, with 96 PCR reactions in 0.2mL tubes per block
Equipped with gradient capability to accommodate at least 12 temperature zones
Neon Transfection System (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
Specializes in highly efficient transfection of primary cells, stem cells and difficult-to-transfect cells
Chemidoc System
Chemidoc Touch Imaging System (Bio-Rad)
Capable of visualizing nucleic acid gels (Ethidium bromide, Gel Red, Sybr GREEN), protein gels, and ..
western blots (Chemiluminescence, colorimetric, alexa 488, etc)
Automated cell counter
TC20 (Bio-Rad)
Countess II FL Automated Cell Counter (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
Benchtop Lyophilizer
DMBEL Laboratory Services
General Overview
The Laboratory Services arm of the Disease Molecular Biology and Epigenetics Laboratory (DMBEL) offers a suite of mostly cell-based assays to serve the needs of drug discovery projects and third-party clients. Bioactive hits from primary screens can be tested for drug-induced hepato-, nephro- and cardiotoxicity, which are responsible for high attrition rates in early-stage drug discovery. Confirmatory orthogonal and secondary assays are available to eliminate artefactual drug bioactivities from primary screens due to pan-assay interference compounds and color effects. Most assays are in 96- or 384-well format and some are pathway-specific, to provide clues on mechanism of action or the signaling cascade in which an extract/ compound impinges. High-content imaging is used in many of the assays, allowing physiologically relevant readouts that are able to visualize subcellular and organelle phenomena. The medium-to-high throughput nature of HCI also affords multi-parametric information from each sample and from individual cells, delivering insights on a compound’s mode of action and/or non-specific effects early on.
Hepatotoxicity Testing via Lactate Dehydrogenase Quantification
Nephrotoxicity Testing via Lactate Dehydrogenase Quantification
Cardiotoxicity Testing via Lactate Dehydrogenase Quantification
Fluorescence-based Cardiotoxicity Testing via Potassium Ion Channel Assay
Luminescence-based Assessment of COX-2 Transcriptional Activity
High-Content Imaging Fluorescence-based Detection of 5-LOX
High-Content Imaging-based Detection and Quantification of Reactive Oxygen Species by DCFDA Staining
High-Content Imaging-based Immunocytochemical Detection and Quantification of Prostaglandin E2
Expression Profile Analysis of Inflammation Markers by RT-qPCR
Luminescence-Based Glucose Uptake–Glo Assay
High-Content Imaging-based Fluorescence Detection of Cholesterol Uptake via Filipin Cytochemical Staining
High-Content Imaging-based Fluorescence Detection of LDL Uptake via BODIPY FL LDL Live Cell Staining
Determination of ACE Activity using Abz-FRK(Dnp)P-OH Substrate
Fluorescence-based Xanthine Oxidase Inhibition Assay
Fluorescence-based Uric Acid Quantification Assay
Colorimetric Quantification of Lipid Droplet Accumulation via Oil Red O Staining
Colorimetric and Fluorometric Quantification of Triglyceride Content
Cancer: Cell Proliferation
Luminescence-based Detection of ELK Pathway Activation
RealTime-Glo Cell Viability Assay
Vybrant® MTT Cell Proliferation Assay
Cell Titer 96® Aqueous One Solution MTS Cell Proliferation Assay
Cancer: Apoptosis
Luminescence-based Detection of Caspase 3/7 Activity
Luminescence-based Detection of Caspase 8 Activity
Luminescence-based Detection of Early Apoptosis using the RealTime-Glo Annexin V Apoptosis and Necrosis Assay
Cancer: Migration and Invasion
Scratch Wound Healing Assay
Assessment of Tumor Cell Migratory Capacity via Boyden Chamber Assay
Expression profile analysis of EMT Markers by RT-qPCR
Expression profiling of EMT Markers by Western Blot analysis
Cancer: Angiogenesis
High-Content Imaging-Assisted Vessel Formation Assay
Cancer: Cytoskeletal Organization
Phalloidin Staining of F-actin Filaments
High-Content Imaging
Image Acquisition using IN Cell Analyzer 6000 High-Content Imaging System​